Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blue Lagoon update - on to Indonesia

I have been back in Australia over a month already now, and Blue Lagoon is on her way back too.

After some initial difficulties sorting out crew and spending some time organising Visas and CAIT (cruising permit for Indonesian Waters), Blue Lagoon left Kota Kinabalu on Wed October 29, accompanied by another catamaran ( a Fusion 400)  bound for Bali.  Jurgen flew over to join Eky for the return trip and our fingers are crossed that the weather stays kind to them as it's becoming a race against time with the cyclone season North of Australia.   I will update this blog, hopefully with photos, as they become available to me, unfortunately internet access will be infrequent throughout this part of the trip.  At worst I will publish a full write-up of the trip retrospectively when they return.  All the best for now.  look forward to posting again soon.  Alex

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